四月號Popolo訪問對News Girls來說好像挺有用(?), 所以在這裡貼一下!!
-I was walking besides the guy I like and he told me: "There's not much heigh difference between us". I'm 162cm, only 1~2cm shorter than him. Is heigh so important to boys?
T: I don't care about it at all. But of course I'd be suprised to see a girl tall as a model (lol).
S: I think the same but isn't it good if you're almost the same? Well, the only problem in this is when kissing.
T: Right! Being tall the same... (He tries many different inclinations of the neck)
S: For a boy it might be embarrassing to kiss looking up.
T: I prefer being a little taller. I'd mind a little if the girl is taller than me, but if we're the same there are no problems!
S: I think girls are way more sensitive about this than boys.
T: Anyway heigh doesn't mean a thing. If you like each other you'll be fine ♥
-I have a crush for this guy since 6 years. We go to different schools but we go shopping together, we exchange mails and we're very good friends. Sometimes we talk about love too. Basing on this what do you think he feels for me?
S: You know, he might exchange mails with you simply because you're friends.
T: Right. Most of all I'm surprised she's been in love with him for 6 years!
S: She hides it well!
T: All the years of elementary school! That's no good. You have to tell him.
S: If you don't tell him you like him nothing will happen, there's nothing to hide.
T: If it doesn't work you can start looking for somebody new, it's not sure he answers your feelings if nothing happened in 6 years. You have to try and confess.
S: Right. Once you do his feelings might change too!
T: Something like "Eh? What is this mail...maybe she got the wrong number?"
S: What? Like that! Well, please send it to Tegoshi's address (lol).
-I play soccer. I can talk about soccer with boys but I can't talk about anything else with them because I get shy. What can I do to stop feeling nervous?
S: Cool~ There are girls who are expert of soccer too!
T: It's pretty rare. I'd like to meet one. I guess it would be nice and enjoyable to talk with her.
S: But can it turn into love?
T: I don't know. I think it's a plus to have interests in common. But I think this girl is pretty shy like me.
S: When you changed school how did you do to overcome shyness and get new friends?
T: Uhm...I became able to talk because other people tried to approach me first.
S: So...you have to try to become a person that other people want to approach? I think it's surprising that a girl plays soccer, it will be fine.
T: Right! I also recommend you to try to become girly. Doing so you will be popular with everybody!
S: You can get used to boys talking about soccer and before you'll notice you won't be nervous anymore.
T: Exactly! Do your best in conversation!
S: The advices from two shy people can be pretty convincing (lol).
During the photoshoot:
They were preparing an omelette, Tegoshi smiling softly and grabbing the bowl said "I will prepare the eggs ♥". Shige smiled bitter holding the knife complaining "You could also try to use the knife sometimes!! After all I'm always the one cutting the ingredients". They had fun and laughed a lot during the interview. In the end they ate the omelette they cooked going on talking.
-I like a boy but we're good friends, we usually walk arm in arm or hug. We go out together, we go back home from school together too. I'd like to confess but I don't want to ruin our relationship. What should I do?
M: It doesn't matter, confess!
K: The only thing you can do to make things go on is confessing. You do all those things already, right? Wouldn't you be happier to do those as his girlfriend?
M: That guy should make some distinctions too.
K: Right! I don't understand what he's trying to do. I understand her worries though...
M: If it's a relationship that crumbles down after a confession there's no need for it anyway! I think it's not good to trail on a relationship like that.
K: If you can't confess, why don't you try to ask him directly? Tell him: "Why do you hug me?"
M: If he answers "Because I like you" you can finally confess "I like you too ♥".
-I fell in love at first sight with a boy during the sports festival, I never talked with him though. I think he doesn't even know me. What can I do to make him notice me?
M: What about bumping into him and drop your handkerchief? (lol)
K: So old~ (lol) Why don't you simply gather your courage and approach him? Like "I'm XX of the class X, I saw you during the festival, you were so cool ♥".
M: Right. If you properly try I think he would talk to you. You can ask him something, then he could show you his club for example. Join the club and he'll surely get to know you!
K: Like that you'll have something in common. You have to create your chance!
M: If you don't approach him first he will never notice you.
-I met my old crush after 5 years. Back then I wasn't brave enough to confess but when I met him again the feelings are coming back...What should I do now?
K: If you know his number you should try to invite him out. You have the excuse to talk about what did you do in the last years.
M: Right. You don't see each other since 5 years so you can meet many times and get to know each other better.
K: Exactly. Meeting after so much time you might also realize he's different from what you thought. Instead if he's like you imagined him that confession might turn in something serious. You have to meet him many times to be sure though!
M: Yes, yes!
K: You can meet, eat together and talk about the old times~
M: It's also ok to tell him you liked him in the past!
K: Right, you can! After all it's something of the past now. The boy would be happy like "Really?! Thanks!"
M: It might be useful to shorten the distance♪
K: Don't think too much, just invite him out! It would be fantastic if this turns into love ♥
During the photoshoot:
They were preparing coffee, Koyama seemed interested "Ehh, so you have to grind the seeds like this!". They tried preparing it enjoying the coffee's scent, the result was diluited as a dark tea though. Masuda was anyway satisfied "After all coffee shops are the best". Then he drew Koyama's face on a sketch book. He showed it to Koyama all proud and smily, check the result!
Credit: The spilled milk of SpilledMilk
From: http://spilledmilk25.livejournal.com/176625.html
想不到原來男生的心聲是這樣的, 竟然是想女生主動告白!! (話說你們四位有好好談過戀愛嗎!!??)
那很害羞啦, 為什麼要女生先告白!!?? (忍不住要吐糟一下...)
不過其實他們說得對, 不說出來的話怎知道心意, 幸福還要靠自己來抓緊!!
但我覺得不能太主動啦, 他們的意見參考一下好了!!!
看完訪問之後真有點後悔自己以前唸女校, 完全地錯過了這些單戀呀暗戀呀要不要告白心中砰砰跳這些經歷!!
殘念! (拜託別弄得自己好像很老似的...)
題外話, 寫這篇的時候在想應該在分類中選擇NEWS的還是日常生活好呢...
這篇會貼是因為想看男生的心聲, 那就選日常生活好了!!