


One main stage at the front & a small circle in the middle.
Concept: Roma Style with 6 big fake stone poles & huge horse head, lol. XD

FLASH BACK → new song again?! Don’t tell me that you guys will release this song only after 2 YEARS!!
Hands UP! OK?
Perfect Lady
Bari Bari BUDDY!

Mini MC (Kamisen→Tonisen)

Otona Guyz
Ai wo Komete
Shin’ai ni naru Kimi e
Sexy.Honey. Bunny!

Video (showing V6 observing the fans buying goodies outside the venue secretly. They’re wearing the same tour T-shirts, Goken are wearing mask while Papa wearing cap & glasess. They also doing some silly things, lol)

Exotic Trip
Senkou Hanabi
kEEP oN.

Tsubasa ni Nare


Encore (medley):
Ai no Melody

Double Encore:
Honki ga Ippai

Good!! I approved the entire list though I wish they also sing a few more songs like Isshou de Saigo no Koi & Guilty. XD

Choko Choko:
Ken & Go were having hay fever. They need to wear masks outside and take medicines, eyes drops.

Ken said he had sneezed about 2~30 times in a row on the day before.
Ken: My face quality has going down crazily.
Fans: Kawaii yooooo~~~~
Jun: Kawaii yo! ←APPROVED!! XD

So glad Go didn’t change his hairstyle yet, Okappa Go is still the BEST. XD

Papa & Mama are still raburabu. I thought Papa getting bored with Mama, that's why he flirted with other girl at Supernova club, lol. XP

Their kouhai, aka Ken’s fan, Massu comes to the concert. Massu received OMG album from avex staff even before V6 did.. so he was the first person to listen to the album, lol. The members only received the album 5 days later. XDD

Papa said he has listened to “Sayonara ni Sayonara” (Tegomass new song) but not being able to sing it when the fans tell him to do so.

After "Bingo" they randomly picked a fan to go on the stage.
Then a Sakamoto's fan was picked! She went on stage and sat down on a chair, then they sang for her! And she was holding a hand made Masayuki uchiwa XD
Go & Ken began to ask her what she likes about Sakamoto, but she didn't said anything (speehless), so Goken teasing her saying that the uchiwa must be found somewhere on the road then she took and hold it...or she bought from Loft...
Then Sakamoto hold her hand and leads her off stage at the end! Super lucky lady!!!!

After singing Bari Bari BUDDY!,
Ino: Leader, are you okay?
Masa: My heart got sudden jerk....
Ino: When become the age of Leader, we’re gonna talk about internal organ, not about outside anymore (laugh).

Go: Okada’s shoulders are amazing.
Ken: Like a hanger! Continues to grow wider rapidly!

Jun: Since the opening, Go-kun keeps tapping his legs.
Go: I wonder what to say...nervous on the first day.
Jun: I was beside him during the standby for the opening, he keeps tapping his legs.
Ken: “Move! Come on my legs!” , like that? (laugh)
Jun: Then, he said “Yoroshiku na” to me while touching my back.
Go: (show how he did it)
Ino: What’s that! I wanna do the same thing too. I was next to Ken, I thought I wanna hug him but he keeps looking to the lyric card, so I couldn’t do anything…
Well, how about you two, guys? (Mama & Papa) During the standby.
Masa: Nothing particular.
Ino: Coz you guys have a long term relationship ne.
Ken: Coz you guys are inseparable.
Ino: They don’t need words. They’re like “oxidized silver”, quiet & restrained rather than obvious.
Masa: (laugh)
Ino: When Sakamoto-kun calls, “Oi”, tea will come out then (laugh).
Hiro: Do you think I’m a mother?!

Jun complaints about Mama who eating ice-cream alone. XD
Ino: He also brought mandarin oranges. Look so high quality.
Ken: He took out from his bag.
Hiro: I’d like to tell you that I brought 6 mandarin oranges because we have 6 people & then I put on the table. But three were taken away by Ken immediately. He hid those quickly into his cap.
Ken: Together with your hand cream (laugh).
Go: Don’t you think it’s too early to use that hand cream?
Ino: Coz you don’t want someone else to use it?
Hiro: But Ken took it out & used it. XD

Jun: I was scolded by Nagano-kun coz I used his shave without permission!
Hiro: I said it loud on purpose so you can hear it (laugh).

Ino: Today, Okada used Nagano-kun’s wax, when he found out that the wax surface is frozen & dry, he said, “When this wax comes from? 20 years ago?”
Jun: After I said that, he said “(At least) I have my own things properly~♪
Hiro: I heard that.
Ino: Sakamoto-san, what do you think about Nagano-kun, such a man like that?
Masa: Can I say it? I like him so much!
Ino: Highlight the pink light here, please! ←Inocchi shipping them too, hahaha~~

Story about Ken‘s mishearing,
Ino: Go was wearing clothes like army. When me & Go were talking about being addicted to army fashion, suddenly Ken’s handphone rang. He wasn’t there that time. When he came back, he began to ask Go why he’s wearing such clothes like that, coz it looked unusual. Then I told him about his phone rang (=keitai natta yo). He said, “Eh?! He became a soldier?! (= Eh?! Heitai ni natta no?!) ← LOL!!

I hope they will put these MC into DVD. I really wanna watch it myself!!

Ribbons messages:

General ribbon

Go: I’m happy to meet you!

Ino: Sorry for made you waiting. Let’s have fun together from now on! Thank you. (See you)

Jun: Your support is my strength. Thank you always.

Ken: Today you all so cute, I don’t wanna let you go home!

Mama: Thank you for spending your time to come today! I’m glad to meet you!!

Papa: Thank you for today.

I wish I was there with you guys… (ノ><)ノ

[Source: twitter, Karen Shun, Robamimi
Photos credit to Karen Shun]



MC的部分很搞笑啦!!! V們的深厚感情真不是騙人的!!!

還有那個特別環節, V真的很懂怎樣與飯互動, 就是魅力所在呢!

而且マス也來了!!! (如果我在現場一定瘋掉, 兩大本命團都在呀!!!)

現在CON剛開始我便開始期待DVD了!!! (應該會出吧...)




希望場刊快點到, 以彌補我去不了看CON的遺憾!!! ><

    V6 Yoyogi Stadium CONCERT

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