

針對FRIDAY雜誌與NEWS RING 75手越自白之應援活動


請大家踴躍參與, 共同守護和鼓勵我們所愛的テゴにゃん!!



趁今年是NEWS結成10週年, 就讓我們好好把愛傳達給NEWS吧, 讓他們知道有好多好多飯珍惜NEWS!!  


Event Link:


Introduction of NEWS supportive event


Jun 2011, four members were informed that Yamashita Tomohisa and Nishikido Ryo would leave NEWS


7th Oct 2011, Johnny’s agency informed mass media that Yamashita Tomohisa and Nishikido Ryo would leave NEWS


31st Dec 2011, four members acted as new NEWS appeared on the stage of 2012 Johnny’s Countdown Concert

2012613日,新生NEWS推出了由歌迷票選出的精選輯「NEWS BEST

13th Jun 2012, new NEWS released the best album “NEWS BEST” which was selected by fans


18th Jul 2012, new NEWS released the brand new single “Chankapana”

2012814日,久違的NEWS演唱會「NEWS LIVE TOUR 2012 ~美しい恋にするよ~」終於啟動了…

14th Aug 2012, NEWS’s long-lost concert “NEWS LIVE TOUR 2012 ~ Let’s make a beautiful love ~” finally started…



Koyama Keiichiro: I really felt sorry to fans, we feared to our future too, and I just thought that I can never meet fans anymore…


Kato Shigeaki: I thought that we would stop here, and I can’t imagine that was so harsh, I won’t betray fans anymore…


Masuda Takahisa: I felt great pressure when succeeded Yamashita and Nishikito’s part, but we felt comfort when fans showed smiling to us…


Tegoshi Yuya: If we haven’t seen fans’ smile, we can’t make sure whether fans are still waiting for us…

By NEWS LIVE TOUR 2012 ~美しい恋にするよ~

By NEWS LIVE TOUR 2012 ~ Let’s make a beautiful love ~




By 2013Popolo六月號 NEWS新連載 Vol.1

23rd Apr 2013, new column of NEWS talked about the bygones again…

Koyama Keiichiro: That hardship moment made us suffered and tired, I just cried on sofa when back home, tears fell naturally when awoke

By Jun 2013 Polopo NEWS column Vol. 1



We would like to launch this NEWS supportive event because of this new column in Jun Popolo, or because of a kind shelter to Koyama, he expressed a lot words and thoughts from heart honestly. We just can’t imagine how NEWS suffered from the hardship, therefore we started this event to “support our beloved NEWS”…






We wish NEWS is shiny as sunshine, delivers the warmest simile all over the world.

We would just stay with NEWS, keeping protect and support them continually.

“We want to keep protecting NEWS” is our most direct, purest message to express to NEWS and let them know we always support NEWS.



NEWS Supportive Card Event




“If we haven’t seen fans’ smile, we can’t make sure whether fans are still waiting for us…”

Similarly, if we haven’t delivered our support and yearning to NEWS, they will never know our thoughts. May I express our warmest welcome to everybody to join this event, and express our affection to NEWS!


1.   Event name: NEWS Supportive Card Event


2.   Purpose: To deliver and express our supportive message to NEWS

三、集期間:台灣截止至6月17日;海外截止至6月12日 (以郵戳為憑)

3.   Event period: Until 17th Jun for Taiwan fans; 12th Jun for overseas fans (date according to postmark)

四、寄件地址:50559鹿港郵局第27-151號信箱 Isa Chen 收

4.   Posting address: P.O.BOX 27-151 Lugang Changhua County 50599 Taiwan (R.O.C.) Attn. Isa Chen


5.   Supportive card description:

1. 請大家準備小於10x15cm之卡片,並於卡片上添加活動主旨「NEWSを守ります」


      a. Please prepare a card with size smaller than 10x15cm, and write down the event titleNEWSを守ります」 (on any space)

2. 亦可使用下方制式卡片(尺寸為14x9.5cmA4可印四張)可直接黑白輸出



      b. Or you may use below prepared card (size is 14x9.5cm, 4 cards can be printed on a A4 paper)

         PDF download

      We will provide 100 cards in black and white format, details please refer to “Ways to get Supportive Card” (point 8)

3. 歡迎大家以任何方式書寫、美化應援卡,立體面請勿高於0.3mm,以防無法裝進收藏簿中

c. You may use any fonts to decorate the cards, however, the 3D decorative items are limited to less than 0.3mm height in order to put into the collective book smoothly


6.  Points to be reminded:

1. 請使用日文書寫應援卡內容

a. Please write your supportive message in Japanese

2. 請勿在卡片上書寫任何私人聯絡方式。任何交予藝人的信件都會經過工作人員篩選,為避免大家辛苦製作的卡片無法順利轉交至NEWS手上,還請大家共同嚴守此規則

b. Please don’t write any private contact on the supportive card! Any cards or letters will be checked by agency staff before passing to NEWS, please obey the rules strictly

3. 雖無明確限定,但為避免成員卡片數不均之問題,還請大家盡量寫給「NEWS四人」。若真的有非常想應援的指定成員,亦可一張NEWS、一張指定成員,或是NEWS、四位成員分開寫也可以唷!

c. Although we won’t state it clearly, please write the card with attention to “NEWS” as possible as you can in order to avoid uneven no. of cards between members. If you really want to write a card to a particular member, please write one for NEWS, another one for that particular member; or write the cards for 4 members separately.

4. 「啊!寄出去的卡片忘記寫了OOO…」沒關係,不限定卡片數量,活動期間內可以再製一張卡片寄過來

d. If “Oh my god! I forgot to write down … on the card!”, please don’t worry, the no. of card is not limited and you may send one more card to us during the event period.

5. 為避免辛苦製作的卡片遺失,建議大家可以使用掛號信寄出,並於部落格留言或來信(告知信件已寄出。

e. In order to avoid the cards get lost during postal delivery, we suggest you may send the card by using registered mail, and leave your message in our blog or send email to to inform us your card has been sent out already.


7.   Translation service of supportive card:


1. 需要幫忙中翻日的朋友,請將您的留言寄至

a. Anyone need translation service, please send your message to (limited to Chinese and English)

2. 為避免造成翻譯人員的負擔,請將留言控制在150字內

b. Please note the message is limited within 150 words in order to avoid over workload to volunteers

3. 由衷感謝RikoEriko和ちえ成為翻譯組人員!工作組徵求中,歡迎有興趣的朋友加入

c. Big thanks to Riki, Eriki andちえ be our translators! We are still recruiting volunteers, welcome all passionate fans to join our team



8.   Ways to get Supportive Card:

1. 本次活動主辦將提供100張應援卡,歡迎來信或留言索取

a. We will provide 100 cards, welcome to write your request through email or leave message on our blog

2. 基本上每人限定一張,但若有特殊需求(分開寫給四人、與朋友一同索取)可於留言或信件中說明

b. Basically 1 card will be delivered to one single fans, if you have some special requests such as you want to write to all four members or get for friends etc., please state it clearly in email or message

3. 請告知收件者姓名、電話、地址與所需張數,來信至yiyi11195@gmail.com或於留言板留言。

c. Please send an email to with consignee, phone no, postal address and no. of cards requested or leave message on our blog

4. 為避免個資洩漏,留言請設為隱藏(小提醒:若無登入即設隱藏,將看不到版主之回復)

d. In order to protect your privacy, please hide your message in “private message mode” (Reminder: If you hide your message without login, you will be not able to read the reply, so please login before leaving a private message) 


Recruit volunteers for joining NEWS supportive event team


If you have passion to join our NEWS supportive event team, please read below:


1.   Recruit Volunteers

1. 翻譯人員 數名


a. Translators (few members)

Mainly responsible for translating the message of supportive card and Japanese writing for the event

2. 宣傳人員 數名


b. Promoters (few members)

Mainly responsible for promoting this supportive event in forum, blog, social platform etc. in order to gather NEWS fans all over the world

3. 影片剪輯人員 一名


c. Video producer (1 member)

Mainly responsible for editing the video clips of supportive dancing event (details to be announced later)

4. 音樂編曲人員 一名


d. Sound producer (1 member)

Mainly responsible for music arrangement, recording of supportive dancing event (due to copy right we cannot use original music, details please contact the event holder)

5. 其他工作夥伴 數名


e. Other volunteers (few members)

Mainly responsible for dancing venue, teaching, coordination, or other miscellaneous items


2.   Application:


Please fill in below application form and send to, thank you.







The position you want to take:


Convenience time for using PC: From… to…



因為マスシゲ的生日也快到了, 主辦方面也舉行了生日卡募集!


Happy Birthday」増田貴久;加藤シゲアキ生日賀卡募集

“Happy Birthday” to Masuda Takahisa and Kato Shigeaki, Birthday Card Event

増田貴久   誕生日 19867 4

加藤シゲアキ 誕生日 1987711

Masuda Takahisa Birthday 4th July 1986

Kato Shigeaki Birthday 11 July 1987

FB活動宣傳頁面: 歡迎大家邀請朋友一起加入!!

Event page on FB: Welcome all fans to join!!

一、活動名稱:「Happy Birthday」増田貴久&加藤シゲアキ生日賀卡募集

1. Event Name:Happy Birthday” to Masuda Takahisa and Kato Shigeaki, Birthday Card Event


2. Purpose: To express and deliver our big birthday blessing to Massu and Shige


3. Event Period: Until 17th Jun for Taiwan fans; 12th Jun for overseas fans (date according to postmark)

四、寄件地址:50559鹿港郵局第27-151號信箱 Isa Chen

4. Postal address: P.O.BOX 27-151 Lugang Changhua County 50599   Taiwan ( R.O.C.) Attn. Isa Chen


5. Birthday card description:

1. 請使用小於10x15cm之卡片並自由發揮

  1. Please use a card with size smaller than 10x15cm and no limitation on any format

2. 歡迎以任何方式書寫、美化生日賀卡,立體面請勿高於0.3mm,以防無法裝進收藏簿中

  1. You may use any fonts to decorate the cards, however, the 3D decorative items are limited to less than 0.3mm height in order to put into the collective book smoothly


1. 請使用日文或英文書寫應援卡內容

a. Please write your supportive message in Japanese

2. 請勿在卡片上書寫任何私人聯絡方式。任何交予藝人的信件都會經過工作人員篩選,為避免大家辛苦製作的卡片無法順利轉交至NEWS手上,還請大家共同嚴守此規則

b. Please don’t write any private contact on the birthday card! Any cards or letters will be checked by agency staff before passing to NEWS, please obey the rules strictly

3. 請分開製作増田貴久與加藤シゲアキ之賀卡。為避免成員卡片數不均之問題,請盡可能兩位成員皆製作,主辦方也會隨時更新賀卡數量供大家參考。

c. Please use two separate cards for Massu and Shige! In order to avoid uneven no. of cards between members, please send us two separate cards for both Massu and Shige, we will provide updated no. of card received for reference.

4. 「啊!寄出去的卡片忘記寫了OOO…」沒關係,不限定卡片數量,活動期間內可以再製一張卡片寄過來

d. If “Oh my god! I forgot to write down … on the card!”, please don’t worry, the no. of card is not limited and you may send one more card to us during the event period.

5. 為避免辛苦製作的卡片遺失,建議大家可以使用掛號信寄出,並於部落格留言或來信(告知信件已寄出。

e. In order to avoid the cards get lost during postal delivery, we suggest you may send the card by using registered mail, and leave your message in our blog or send email to to inform us your card has been sent out already.


7.     Translation service of supportive card:

1.     需要幫忙中翻日的朋友,請將您的留言寄至

a.     Anyone need translation service, please send your message to (limited to Chinese and English)

2.     為避免造成翻譯人員的負擔,請將留言控制在150字內

b.     Please note the message is limited within 150 words in order to avoid over workload to volunteers

3.     由衷感謝RikoEriko和ちえ成為翻譯組人員!工作組徵求中,歡迎有興趣的朋友加入

c.     Big thanks to Riki, Eriki andちえ be our translators! We are still recruiting volunteers, welcome all passionate fans to join our team


Please feel free to send email to if you have any questions, thank you!


活動內容翻譯成英文啦, 希望世界各地的NEWS girl都可以參與!!

請大家要踴躍參與唷!!! 大感謝!!!




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