想不到, 全世界男人的嗜好都是一樣的, 健ちゃん在星期一的廣播中有說到...

Broadcast date: 25/3/2013
Host: Miyake Ken (K), Hatachi (N)

Q1: Congratulation for the album released. My most favourite song is Otona Guyz. Have you done anything recently that could be called as Otona Guyz?
K: Things that Otona Guyz done? Um~~, maybe clothes?
N: Clothes? You bought too much?
K: I might go bankrupt because of clothes.
N: How much did you buy?
K: I can’t say it.
N: Why you can’t say it?
K: There’re too much that I wanted to buy, also that sneaker, the Jordan series. During junior high school, Slam Dunk was very popular, so every year I’m looking forward for the new series of Jordan sneakers. So nostalgic. Today I wear VII series. I’ve collected Jordan series until 12. But I lost a pair when I moved, when I searched it, it has been worn out. However, it has reprinted again.
N: So you have to buy?
K: Yes! That time I had to beg my parent to buy it for me, but now I can buy it myself. I bought shoes a lot.
N: How many pairs do you have at home?
K: So many. But I’m not the type who will keep shoes as decorations. I love to wear it.
N: Is it depends on your clothes? Like, today I will wear this one?
K: Basically I will wear different shoes everyday.
N: Oo~
I wear same shoes everyday (laugh).
K: No, no, no, that would make it wearing out quickly. If you have 3 pairs of shoes, it’s better rotating your shoes everyday. Human sweats a lot & it would make your shoes wet & get moldy. The smell is the sign that your shoes getting moldy, right? But if you wear it one time in 3 days, it could absorb the moisture & the smell. It would be better that way.
N: I see.
I have a friend who has more shoes collection than me, a sneakers maniac who can wear different shoes in 365 days.
N: Eh? (laugh)
How many pair of shoes he has?
K: I don’t know. I never ask.
He always wears different shoes.
N: Did you ever buy anything else other than clothes & shoes?
K: I have a lot of clothes…. Clothes, caps, shoes, all are clothes type. And also toys.
N: What kind of toys?
K: Like figures.
N: Aaa~
K: As I’ve told you before, I’m collecting vinylmation & hottoys, like Batman & Captain America, don’t you know that maker? See! Like Johnny Depp’s figure, it so detail.
N: It’s really amazing (checking on internet). It looks real.
K: I have many collections. Some are limited edition. It costs 30,000 yen per piece.
N: Seriously…? (laugh)
K: It’s expensive, right? There’s more expensive figures I have.
N: More expensive?
K: Yeah, like Batman figures, it’s really detail. Also Michael Jackson in Thriller version, but I can’t buy that one.
N: But clothes are still the main, right?
K: Ah, and skateboard. I’ve reserved some skateboard plates but I still didn’t go to the shops to take it.
N: You should go quickly (laugh).

Credit: Mika@Mika's World

From: http://mikalovesv6.livejournal.com/76507.html

老實說, 我真的很難去理解為什麼男生會那麼喜歡收集波鞋呀, 手辦公仔呀之類!!

收集那麼多也沒什麼用途嘛, 而且都價值不菲!!! (3萬yen一個公仔呀!!!)

幸好我的另一半沒有這些嗜好, 否則肯定天天吵大架!!! (不過他還是有一些男生嗜好我看在眼裡有點不爽...)


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